
Our strategy and objectives cover regulatory compliance processes and procedures, responsibility assignment, training, emergency preparedness, alignment with the best techniques available in the industry, monitoring and measurement and environmental investments, as well as regularly auditing of our performance, as we seek to diminish our environmental impact.

Our integrated environmental permits and certifications include dedicated provisions in terms of water and waste management, GHG air emissions mitigation and biodiversity protection.

Rompetrol Energy is a low-tier SEVESO III site and falls under the scope of Law 59/2016 (transposing the SEVESO III Directive into national legislation) on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances. Thus, it has a Safety Management System (SMS) developed and implemented across its operations, which is constantly revised and updated in order to prevent the occurrence, to eliminate or minimize the effects of major accidents.

Rompetrol Energy conducts quarterly assessments that consider a wide range of external factors, including climate change, water and air quality, resource availability, site contamination, biodiversity, and the potential for renewable energy. These assessments cover all operational aspects, from production processes to administrative functions and supply chain management.


Rompetrol Energy recognizes the global significance of biodiversity resources and the impact on them, as well as the direct and indirect dependencies on these resources.

Rompetrol Energy is strategically situated in the Năvodari city area, positioned on the Midia Industrial Platform, nestled between the cities of Năvodari and Corbu. Its  location is outside any natural protected regions, including those recognized for their rich biodiversity such as the Danube Delta biosphere or several Natura 2000 Sites:

  • approximately 300 meters from the Special Protection Area ROSPA 0060 Tasaul-Corbu Lakes
  • 1.35 km from ROSPA0076 Black Sea
  • about 5 km from the Danube Delta’s biodiversity hotspot

At present, the site’s biodiversity mainly consists of green spaces arranged for protection curtain and ruderal flora associated with anthropogenic habitats, along with several species of synanthropic fauna.

Energy consumption

In 2023, energy intensity was calculated at 1,915.07 MWh (6,894.27 GJ) per number of employees, showing an increase from 1,676.56 MWh (6,035.61 GJ) in 2022 and 1,721.75 MWh (6,198.29 GJ) in 2021. This metric provides insight into the efficiency of energy use relative to the workforce size, indicating a higher energy demand per employee in 2023.

Rompetrol Energy’s total energy consumption represents the sum of the non-renewable and renewable fuel used within the organization, the electricity, heating, cooling and steam purchased for consumption and sold, along with the self-generated electricity, heating, cooling and steam not used and the fuel consumption from company cars. In 2023, Rompetrol Energy reported a total energy consumption of 291,091.58 MWh (1,047,929.7 GJ). This marked an increase in energy usage compared to the previous years, with 258,189.72 MWh recorded in 2022 and 265,149.4 MWh in 2021.

Water consumption

Rompetrol Energy has implemented various water reduction measures to minimize freshwater withdrawal and consumption within its operations and transparently reported on water emissions and utilizing targets to track progress in water management.

In 2023, the organization decreased its water usage, with the total water withdrawal reaching 2,638.005 ML million liters (ML) considering 2022. The water discharge was 2,351.22 ML. The consumption of potable water was very low

Waste management

Overall, the data from 2023 reflects both the challenges and the evolving nature of waste management within the organization. The combined total of paper, cardboard, and plastics saw a decrease to 13.053 tons in 2023 from 21.79 tons in 2022, indicating a reduction in this specific waste stream. Conversely, the amount of municipal waste saw a significant increase to 403.384 tons in 2023 from 288 tons in the previous year. The introduction of oil filters as a hazardous waste category in 2023 underscores the organization's evolving waste profile and the importance of continuous monitoring and management of both hazardous and non-hazardous waste to minimize environmental impact.


In 2023, the GHG emissions intensity stood at 992.60 metric tons of CO2 equivalent per employee, indicating a progressive increase when compared to previous years.

TOTAL Scope 1 150,876.43 tons CO2e
TOTAL Scope 2 5.66 tons CO2e

Scope 1 accounts for emissions of boilers of Rompetrol Energy of 150,821 tons, while the difference is given by mobile cars emissions. Scope 2 accounts for electricity purchased.

There were no emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) generated by Rompetrol Energy operations during the reporting period.

No spills and no grievances from the local communities were recorded in 2023.

See more about our performance in the 2023 Group Sustainability Report.